Vetrovie Rajoni Kazahstana
This mod introduces a new lategame threat: the Riftkeeper. It appears around the same time as the gatekeeper but becomes more common in the following weeks. It can spawn in addition to the 'normal' boss-aliens (sectopod and gatekeeper) and will make your lategame considerably harder. There is also a new autopsy and a new lategame utility Item included.
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Spoiler warning: If you want to experience this new threat without previous informations, stop reading now! Riftkeeper Abilities: -Despite its intimidating size, the Riftkeeper does not use damaging attacks all that often(allthough its beamattack is dangerous). -the Riftkeeper is sturdy and resistant to all kinds of explosions (explosives will still shred as usual, but the hp damage is lowered) -the Riftkeeper loses its resistance against explosive damage when it opens -Immune to mind altering effects! -It has stasis and sustain -Mindshields and Solace make your Soldiers immune to stasis -It has the unique ability to create rifts that instantly summon small groups of lesser enemies -Since the Riftkeeper rarely makes use of damaging abilities, it will most likely ignore mimic beacons -In the latest campaign stages, a stronger variant with possibly nasty surprises may appear I suggest lockdown, shredding, armor piercing or psionic damage to deal with this pokeball. Rift Beacon: You will now get rewarded for your troubles! The newly added autopsy unlocks a new Item, the Rift Beacon.
It allows you to summon in reinforcements from the Avenger's barracks. Since this Item is extremely powerful it has some drawbacks. Properties: - It is expensive and is destroyed after a single use!
(Cost: 4 corpses, 400 supplies, 3 cores on Legendary) - The spawning location of your reinforced soldier is somewhat random, but centered around the location where the beacon explode. It can spawn up to a screen away, so be careful where you deploy the beacon. - By default high ranking Soldiers are prioritized.
Remember to equip them in advance! - To prioritize other soldiers, build the Rift Anchor and give it to the soldier you want to summon (has to be done before the mission starts!) - The Dimensional Rift Generator of the Avenger has to recharge after a single use, so dont bother bringing more than one to your missions -The Reinforcing soldier acts like a normal member of your squad, that means it can ofcourse die!
-Only unwounded soldiers can act as reinforcements. Soldiers with high rank are chosen first. -If no eligible soldier can be found, a new Rookie gets recruited for free and joins your battle. -The reinforcement soldier has a single move the turn he gets teleported in.
-Since this technology is new and still dangerous, soldiers walking through the Dimensional Rift will suffer a small injury. Basic unit concept came from the reddit user /u/Vathar. Rift Anchor idea by Oberfuhrer-Raziel. Known Bugs: If you summon a Shinobi via Riftbeacon: Fleche deals enormous damage in the turn the Unit got summoned. Leaving it in for now because its somewhat hilarious (just imagine your shinobi chargin through the rift) and somewhat hard to fix. Donations As usual, donations are not required at all;), but since sometimes people ask, here we go: [].
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Dashkova's villa in near St. Petersburg On the accession of the in 1796, she was deprived of all her offices, and ordered to retire to a miserable village in the government of, 'to meditate on the events of 1762.' After a time the sentence was partially recalled on the petition of her friends, and she was permitted to pass the closing years of her life on her own estate near, where she died on 4 January 1810. Her son, the last of the Dashkov family, died in 1807 and bequeathed his fortune to his cousin Ivan Vorontsov, who thereupon by imperial licence assumed the name Vorontsov-Dashkov. Ivan's son, Count, held an appointment in the tsar's household from 1881 to 1897 before gaining wide renown as a General-Governor of from 1905 to 1915.