The Oracle Dataaccess Client Is Not Installed

Manage your data source - Oracle • • 6 minutes to read • Contributors • • • • • • In this article Once you have installed the On-premises data gateway, you will need to add data sources that can be used with the gateway. This article will look at how to work with gateways and data sources. Lekcii po farmakologii dlya med kolledzha portal. You can use the Oracle data source either for scheduled refresh or for DirectQuery. Download and install the gateway You can download the gateway from the Power BI service.

Select Downloads > Data Gateway, or by going to the. Warning In order for the gateway to be able to connect to your Oracle server, the Oracle Data Provider for.NET (ODP.NET) needs to be installed and configured. This is part of the Oracle Data Access Components (ODAC). For more information on how to download the Oracle provider, see below.

If we only install the oracle client and not the ODAC we get the next message: 'The recommended provider ('Oracle.DataAccess.Client') is not installed. You can continue with your current provider, however it has been deprecated and may not work properly.' But if we continue everything seems to work fine. Jun 27, 2014 - You can install ODP.NET via NuGet. Right click on solution and click on Manage Nuget Packages and Search for ODP.NET. You can choose.

Installing the Oracle client For 32-bit versions of Power BI Desktop, use the following link to download and install the 32-bit Oracle client: • For 64-bit versions of Power BI Desktop, or for the On-premises data gateway, use the following link to download and install the 64-bit Oracle client: • Once that is installed, you will need to configure your tnsnames.ora file with the proper information for your database. Power BI Desktop and the gateway will go off of the net_service_name defined in the tnsnames.ora file. If it isn't configured, you will not be able to connect. The default path for tnsnames.ora is the following: [Oracle Home Directory] Network Admin tnsnames.ora.

For more information about how to configure tnsnames.ora files, see. Example tnsnames.ora file entry The basic format of an entry in tnsname.ora is the following. Net_service_name= (DESCRIPTION= (ADDRESS=(protocol_address_information)) (CONNECT_DATA= (SERVICE_NAME=service_name))) Here is an example of the server and port information filled in.

CONTOSO = (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521)) (CONNECT_DATA = (SERVER = DEDICATED) (SERVICE_NAME = CONTOSO) ) ) Add a gateway To add a gateway, simply and install the gateway on a server in your environment. After you have installed the gateway, it will show in the lists of gateways under Manage gateways. Note Manage gateways will not show up until you are the admin of at least one gateway. This can happen either by being added as an admin or you installing and configuring a gateway. Remove a gateway Removing a gateway will also delete any data sources under that gateway. This will also break any dashboards and reports that rely on those data sources.