Mocha Ae Cc Torrent

Learn how to create stunning visual effects with one of the most widely-used and highly-regarded compositing applications on the market—Adobe After Effects CC. In this course, Alan Demafiles dives into the fundamentals you need to start creating visual effects (VFX) with After Effects.

Discover how to build accurate masks and keys, use rotoscoping to separate foreground from background, perform motion and camera tracking, and add your own 3D elements to a scene. Learn how to use effects such as particles and noise to create fire, replace the sky, and more.

Get access to the new features in Adobe After Effects CC, including a. Get fast, accurate, precision planar tracking with the GPU-accelerated Mocha AE plug-in.

Then dive into the world of virtual reality as Alan explores the immersive VR and 360-degree video features introduced in After Effects CC 2018. In the final project-based chapter, you can reinforce your new skills by putting techniques into practice with a real-world challenge. Instructor •. By: Nick Harauz course • 2h 8m 36s • 9,869 viewers • Course Transcript - [Alan Demafiles] Hello and welcome. I'm Alan Demafiles. If you've ever seen a blockbuster film, and I'm guessing you have, then you've seen some of the magic that the world of visual effects brings to the screen. The software and hardware used to create some of that magic has never been more accessible, and Adobe After Effects is perhaps one of the most highly regarded and widely used compositing applications.

In this course, I'll share with you the essentials for creating visual effects using Adobe After Effects. We'll learn how to separate foreground from background by using rotoscoping and how to work with green screen footage. We'll examine how to track footage and add our own 3D elements to a scene. I'll show you how to create fire using particles, how to use noise to replace a sky, and even how to crush the pavement with superhuman strength. Alright, maybe not literally, but we'll certainly create the illusion of it. And that's all visual effects really are, visual trickery • Practice while you learn with exercise files. Watch this course anytime, anywhere.

Course Contents • Introduction Introduction • • • • • 1. Create Transparency 1. Create Transparency • • • • • • • • 2. Keying • • • • • • • 3. Work with Trackers 3. Work with Trackers • • • • • • • 4. Work with Effects 4.

Exit ARIEL They talk apart Re-enter ARIEL, invisible Sings in GONZALO's ear They wake Exeunt SCENE II. The tempest play. Enter ALONSO, SEBASTIAN, ANTONIO, GONZALO, ADRIAN, FRANCISCO, and others Enter ARIEL, invisible, playing solemn music All sleep except ALONSO, SEBASTIAN, and ANTONIO ALONSO sleeps.

Work with Effects • • • • • • 5. Composite 3D Renders 5. Composite 3D Renders • • • • • • 6.

Work with Rendering 6. Work with Rendering • • • • 7. Work with Immersive 360 VR 7.

Work with Immersive 360 VR • • • • • • • 8. Challenge: Put Your Skills into Practice 8.

Challenge: Put Your Skills into Practice • • • Conclusion Conclusion •.

Mocha Pro is a stand alone software utility optimized for visual effects and post-production challenges. Planar Tracking When other trackers fail, users turn to mocha's rock solid tracking. Mocha’s 2.5D planar motion tracking engine accurately follows translation, scale, rotation, skew and perspective.

Unlimited tracking layers handle reflections, obstructed and blurred objects, even areas with low detail. The AdjustTrack module and overlay tools help solve tracking challenges with pixel-perfect accuracy. Advanced Roto Tools Create animated roto masks with less keyframes. X-spline and Bezier creation tools are purposely designed for artists to easily create detailed roto shapes.

When linked to mocha’s planar tracking, roto shapes inherit motion and perspective, dramatically reducing manual keyframe work. Advanced tools for shape editing include per-point edge feathering, join layers tool, transform tool, group layers and more making mocha the ideal system for rotoscoping. Object Removal & Clean Plating Automatically remove unwanted elements, wires, rigs and tracking marks with ease. Mocha Pro’s Remove Module is an amazing alternative to traditional clone and paint techniques for getting rid of unwanted pixels and removing objects. Kodi na gta san andreas super kars na russkie mashini. It automatically detects and blends pixels from other frames with little user input, offering massive time savings.