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Dubovik vischa matematika First American ed Title vignette; 'Sold by subscription only' -- title-page The first copies contained a tail-piece illustration, p. 441, showing Mark Twain in flames, which was omitted at the request of Mrs. Clemens, in further printings of the same date. Merle De Vore Johnson, p. 57 BAL notes two intermediate states in addition to first state.

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First state: p. 441: tail-piece with urn, flames and head of Mark Twain; p. 443: caption reads: 'The St. Louis Hotel'. First state, intermediate A (B?): p.

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441: tail-piece with urn, flames and head of Mark Twain; p. 443: caption reads: 'The St. Charles Hotel'. First state, intermediate B (A?): p. 441: no tail-piece present; p. 443: caption reads 'The St.

Louis Hotel' RBC donor (copy 2): James S. Tippett RBC donor (copy 3): Mrs. Linwood Findley BAL Johnson, Merle De Vore. A bibliography of the work of Mark Twain (1910).