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• “What would you do if you weren't afraid?” Sheryl Sandberg, Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead • 'The world would be a better place if more engineers, like me, hated technology. The stuff I design, if I’m successful, nobody will ever notice. Things will just work, and be self-managing.” Radia Pearlman, “the Mother of the Internet,” IEEE fellow, inventor of Spanning-Tree Protocol (STP), TRILL, and TORTIS, a programming language for children • 'People ask me all the time: 'What is it like to be a woman at Google?' I'm not a woman at Google, I'm a geek at Google. And being a geek is just great.'

Marissa Mayer, CEO of Yahoo, former engineer at Google • 'Science is not a boy's game, it's not a girl's game. It's everyone's game.

It's about where we are and where we're going.' Nichelle Nichols, former NASA Ambassador. has partnered with Bootstrap to develop a curriculum which teaches algebraic and geometric concepts through computer programming targeted towards middle school students has partnered with the award-winning Project GUTS (Growing Up Thinking Scientifically) to deliver a middle school science program consisting of four instructional modules and professional development for the introduction of computer science concepts into science classrooms within the context of modeling and simulation. Youth innovative educational programming in Science, Technology, Engineering, Math and Medicine. • “What would you do if you weren't afraid?” Sheryl Sandberg, Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead • 'The world would be a better place if more engineers, like me, hated technology. The stuff I design, if I’m successful, nobody will ever notice.

Things will just work, and be self-managing.” Radia Pearlman, “the Mother of the Internet,” IEEE fellow, inventor of Spanning-Tree Protocol (STP), TRILL, and TORTIS, a programming language for children • 'People ask me all the time: 'What is it like to be a woman at Google?' I'm not a woman at Google, I'm a geek at Google. And being a geek is just great.' Marissa Mayer, CEO of Yahoo, former engineer at Google • 'Science is not a boy's game, it's not a girl's game. It's everyone's game. It's about where we are and where we're going.' Nichelle Nichols, former NASA Ambassador.