Authentic Footballers Agustin

Skip to content. If you are looking for an authentic British School with a real feeling of British education, then Baleares International College San Agustin is the school for you. It is a family oriented, small school with an multi-cultural atmosphere that caters for currently 70 children from Nursery to Year 6.

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If you are looking for an authentic British School with a real feeling of British education, then Baleares International College San Agustin is the school for you. It is a family oriented, small school with an multi-cultural atmosphere that caters for currently 70 children from Nursery to Year 6. The school is situated in a residential area in San Augustin, just 5 minutes away from Palma and offers a safe and secure environment for all students. The school follows the British National Curriculum and is accredited by the Spanish Ministry of education, inspected by the HMI (Her Majesty´s Inspectorate) and a member of NABSS (National Association of British Schools in Spain) and COBIS (Council of British International Schools). It is part of Orbital Education, a British company focusing on education of British International Schools in Europe and Asia.


Learning takes place in spacious, brightly-lit classrooms with a separate playground for the smaller children. The school is well-equipped, making use of a library, a language room, an art room, a music room, a psychomotricity area and chrome books as well as interactive whiteboards in some classes. The school offers an extensive language programme including English as the main language as well as Spanish, Catalan and German. Artclip3d crack.

Class sizes are kept small and every teacher has an assistant supporting the learning process of each child. Children´s achievement are celebrated throughout the school year and children´s work is proudly displayed in the classrooms. BIC San Agustin is the partner school of BIC Sa Porassa and close collaboration between the two secures a smooth transition when children move up after Year 6.